
Character above belongs to @sac.chan on Instagram :3

❁Terms and conditions❁

• Half of the payment first, and then the other half when the commission is complete ♡

• I only take PayPal and Venmo♡

• NO REFUNDS (unless I refuse to do the commission) ♡

• Speed comms - 20$ fee ♡

• Let me know if you don't want the commission posted to my social media - Instagram, Tiktok etc. (5$ fee) ♡

• progress shots of said commission will be sent as much as possible ♡

• Commercial profit works will double the price ♡

- Don't claim my art as your own ♡
- I have the right to refuse a commission ♡
- credit me if you repost my art ♡
- minimal to no changes will be made to the artwork after the sketch phase ♡

commercial profit counts as channel art, vtuber design, emotes, etc.♡

♡ Form ( DM via me on instagram/gmail/twitter/discord ) ♡

Gmail - [email protected]
Discord- Cicicieco ♡

• Send what type of artwork you want (ex. full body, sketch) ♡

•Character reference and descriptions (Pictures and details help a ton) ♡

♡ Content - What I'm willing to draw

Will NOT draw - NSFW of any minor, political art, and any heavily detailed landsape or background (ask first).

Will draw- character designs, concepts, vtuber designs, simple backgrounds, chibis, sketch dumps, icons, banners.

If you are unsure where your request falls in these boundaries please don't be afraid to ask.

♡ !Prices! ♡

USD Currency
♡ Length ♡
Bust up- $25
Waist up- $35
Full body- $55
♡ Type of color ♡
Sketch- $15
Base color- $45
Full color- $100
♡ Special Requests (Starting at) ♡
chibi - $25
eye banner - $25
sketch sheet - $75
banner - $85
Ref sheets - $100

••Here's a few examples below!••

Character above belongs to @sac.chan on Instagram :3

Bust up/full color- 125$

Full color/full body/- 155 USD

Character above belongs to @sac.chan on Instagram :3

Sketch/ 1 full body- 70 USD

Character above belongs to @sac.chan on Instagram :3

Refsheet (SR) - Starts at 100 USD

Character above belongs to @sac.chan on Instagram :3

base color/waist up - 80 USD

1 full body/ 1 waist up/ full color- 190

NOTE: Excessive details, 2+ characters, and commerical profit pieces will double the price

More examples of my art are on my Insta and twitter ^^